Customer Stories

Funding Societies
WhiteCoat Global

StashAway introduces instant eGIRO via Acme to encourage regular, automated investing

StashAway, one of the largest digital investment platforms headquartered in Singapore, partners with Acme Technology to offer the best-in-class experience for their clients.

With eGIRO, StashAway's clients can link their bank account in under 2 minutes, and thereafter initiate fund transfers on a real-time or recurring basis directly from their StashAway mobile app.
"Even before we did any marketing, we saw a lot of organic adoption for eGIRO since we introduced this new, instant method of collections. 50% of new adopters were from customers who have never used eGIRO before."

- Jensen Bryan Ching, Engineering Manager at StashAway


3 business days -> under 2 mins for payments processing
The average time for eGIRO payments to get processed and recognized fell from 2-4 business days, to under 2 minutes. Customers on eGIRO are now able to see updated portfolio balances in near real-time.
50% net new eGIRO adopters
Implementing the new instant eGIRO collection method has driven eGIRO sign-ups, with 50% being new adopters.
More time for other critical business activities
By working with Acme, StashAway was able to go-live in as efficient a manner as possible, with Acme helping to keep the project on schedule and live in under 12 weeks end to end.


While StashAway had previously introduced eGIRO as a deposit method, it was run on a different set of payment rails which took 2 to 4 business days to process and reconcile. Customers were not able to see their funds flow in real-time, which at times led to questions from customers.

In addition, these funds were reconciled manually, taking up significant time and effort from the team, while running the risk of manual mistakes.

StashAway wanted to offer a better, real-time eGIRO experience for its customers, and to further automate the reconciliation process.

With a new integration came a new challenge: To build vs to buy. After a rigorous round of decisions, StashAway decided to collaborate with Acme on this effort.
"As we had first hand experience integrating with another bank, we wanted to avoid the amount of time spent on project management and support. Acme provided a straightforward and streamlined platform, and had domain expertise in understanding how to integrate faster with the banking partner we chose."
- Jensen Bryan Ching, Engineering Manager


Acme worked closely with the StashAway team, supporting them on the entire process: Integrating with a new bank, introducing the new instant eGIRO deposit method, and automating the deposit reconciliation process.

StashAway was able to successfully roll out the new product to users, despite a few unexpected scenarios that was uncovered during the testing phase. Such scenarios could otherwise have led to significant project delays, but working with Acme enabled them to circumvent such challenges.

The end result is bearing fruit thus far: From a processing perspective, the average time for funds to be received and recognized via eGIRO now takes under 2 minutes, instead of 2-4 business days previously.

StashAway's customers have been excited to try out the new deposit method: Since introducing eGIRO as an "instant" deposit method, the platform has seen 50% of eGIRO deposits come from new adopters, who would have previously used a manual deposit method.

What's next for StashAway's work with Acme? With instant notifications introduced for eGIRO, the platform is excited to continue rolling this out to all other deposit methods in the next half of the year.