Customer Stories

Funding Societies
WhiteCoat Global

Fast growing B2B flexible financing platform integrates eGIRO and credit notifications with Acme.

Fluid is a B2B online financing platform that seamlessly integrates into your website/app/invoicing system, offering payment flexibility to your buyers to purchase on credit terms.
"You guys really saved a lot of time for us. It took our own engineering resources less than 1 week to implement this. Everything was straightforward. Your APIs are easy to understand, and you guys consolidated everything for us."

- Steven Li, Co-Founder of Fluid


1. Results seen from day 1 with real-time credit notifications integrated in <3 days
2. eGIRO integration completed at 2-3x the speed vs. other leading industry players
3. Minimal coordination time spent with their bank, as Acme supported Fluid with project management


As a fast growing financing platform, Fluid needs to collect funds from borrowers at pre-determined time intervals. With efficiency at the core of its operations, there were two key goals Fluid wanted to solve together with Acme:

(a) Implement eGIRO, the most efficient way of decreasing the collections burden, at record speed. Fluid understood from other leading players that integrating eGIRO on their own is a complex and time consuming process.

(b) Receive real-time credit notifications whenever bank transactions were received, and automate recognition and reconciliation of these funds. Fluid wanted to replace time-intensive manual reconciliation work with an error-free tech solution.


Acme implemented several solutions that supported Fluid in achieving its goals.

2-3x time to market with eGIRO implementation. To enhance efficiency of collecting funds from buyers, Fluid wanted a solution that enabled them to pull funds at pre-determined intervals.

"I consulted another player who implemented eGIRO on their own and it took them at least 6 months to build this. With Acme, we accomplished everything in 2 to 3 months, and the actual engineering effort from my team was just less than a week."

Automated reconciliation solution with Virtual Accounts and Real-Time Credit Notification. Acme's solution helped to eliminate manual work in recognising and reconciling bank payments, resulting in significant time savings, and a better customer experience.

"You guys did everything, we spent just 1 day testing internally and another day for production testing. Everything was completed in under 3 days".

Strong support system, both on the technical side and the bank project management aspect. Acme took away all the project management and coordination effort that Fluid would otherwise have to spend time on. Additionally, Acme was available at any time to resolve issues with speed and accuracy.

"You guys respond very quickly via WhatsApp and can resolve any issue almost instantly. We also didn't need to spend much time managing the bank at all, and could instead focus more of our time on building the product itself."